Xiaoyu Mo
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Selected Publications
Google Scholar Page
- Xiaoyu Mo, Zhiyu Huang, Yang Xing and Chen Lv.
"Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction With Heterogeneous Edge-Enhanced Graph Attention Network."
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2022.3146300.
- Xiaoyu Mo, Zhiyu Huang, and Chen Lv.
"Stochastic Multi-Modal Interaction Prediction For Urban Driving."
the 25th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), Macau, China, 2022.
- Xiaoyu Mo, Yang Xing, and Chen Lv.
"Graph and Recurrent Neural Network-based Vehicle Trajectory Prediction For Highway Driving."
2021, the 24th IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC). IEEE, Indianapolis, USA, 2021.
- Xiaoyu, Mo, Yang Xing, and Chen Lv.
"Interaction-aware trajectory prediction of connected vehicles using cnn-lstm networks."
IECON 2020 The 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. IEEE, 2020.
- Xiaoyu, Mo, Zhiyong Chen, and Hai-Tao Zhang.
"Effects of adding a reverse edge across a stem in a directed acyclic graph."
Automatica 103 (2019): 254-260.
- Hai-Tao, Zhang, Zhiyong Chen, and Xiaoyu Mo*.
"Effect of adding edges to consensus networks with directed acyclic graphs."
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62.9 (2017): 4891-4897.
- Championship of Waymo Open Dataset Interaction Prediction Challenge at CVPR 2021
- 2nd Place of Waymo Open Dataset Motion Prediction Challenge at CVPR 2021
- Championship of INTERPRET Challenge at NeurIPS 2020
- NTU traffic prediction technology bags prizes at Waymo autonomous driving competition (The Straits Times)
- 谷歌自动驾驶汽车比赛 南大机器人团队获两项大奖 (联合早报,新加坡) (Zaobao, SG)
- Twin win at Google’s Waymo autonomous driving competition (NTU News)
- Championship of INTERPRET Challenge at NeurIPS 2020 (MAE NTU News)
- Winner talks of Waymo Open Dataset Interaction Prediction Challenge, CVPR 2021
- Winner talks of INTERPRET challenge, NeurIPS 2020 (from 00:09:20)